Saturday, 18 January 2014

Audience Research

Though Hardcore is a new addition to UK Tribes (it’s only recently regained sufficient momentum to genuinely warrant inclusion), this Tribe has its roots in the punk rock scene, originating in LA in the late 1970s. California’s Black Flag are often referred to as the godfathers of Hardcore.
The ethos of the Tribe resolves around two core values – self-expression and individuality. Hardcore Kids are passionate about the Hardcore sound, a screaming genre of punk with severe tempo changes, double bass in the drums, and dirty chords from the guitarists (heavily distorted, tapping into any feedback and harmonic noises available!)  Tribe members will actively support independent record shops and local, homegrown bands.
Image is key to the Tribe, and the look is not so dissimilar to the Hipsters – think turned up skinny jeans, tight fitting band tees, plaid shirts and Vans. Tribe members will often have tattoos, showing their creative side through full-scale sleeves or individual flash pieces.  As Skin Deep columnist Paul Sweeney says, “Nothing shows commitment to self expression like custom tattoos and body modification.”
- From

I looked at the different Tribes to try and find a group that would become my Target Audience. Instantly I found 'Hardcore' that have the roots of Punk Rock, and show self expression through custom tattoos and body modification, not unlike the research into Style of the Genre.

I am going to be asking my peers some questions in order to formulate a structure to help decide the format of my magazine, and make sure that what I produce is in fact what the consumer wants (The consumer being people of the 'Hardcore Tribe')

1.) What Artist has inspired you the most?
2.) Do you fit the stereotype of Rock Fashion?
3.) Where do you go to buy your clothes/ stylish items?
4.) Are you a regular listening of the Radio?
5.) Would you say you can pinpoint just one genre you enjoy?
6.) Of the Genre(s) you enjoy, why is it you enjoy them?
7.) Does your lifestyle reflect your music taste?
8.) Have you experimented with alternative genres?
9.) How interested are you in the 'Behind-The-Scenes' of bands you enjoy?
10.) Are you lyrics of the songs you listen to important to you as a person?

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