Saturday, 18 January 2014

Audience Profile

From the research I've made, I've decided that my target market would be primarily male aged from 16-30, as I think that this is a suitable and achievable target audience. The stereotypes of Rock and Pop-Punk come into play here. I have composed an Audience Profile of an example of what I would assume to be my Audience.

Name: Tyler Black

Age: 17

Music Genres: Typer prefers to listen to Punk-Rock and Rock music on a regular basis.

Biography: Undergoing his first year of A-Levels, Tyler likes to spend time relaxing browsing Tumblr and listening to his favourite bands 'Paramore and My Chemical Romance'. Although his personal preference does not always focus around Rock music, he would still say that this would be his preferred genre.

1 comment:

  1. Could you add in some detail about the sort of shops and sites (web) he would visit. Try and link him to a uktribes 'tribe'
