Sunday, 23 March 2014

Evaluation Question 2 (Draft) - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Through the research of my magazine, I found that the target age group of my style of magazine revolves around 16+ male, and potentially female. On UK Tribes my Audience remain in the groups 'Skaters' and 'Young Alts' because of their desire to break away from what the word sees as 'Normal' for their age group. It is not very common for Skaters to be into mainstream music, and as such this fits my style almost perfectly, as it is not very often that Rock/ Pop Punk is classified as Mainstream amongst others.

1 comment:

  1. This is well below the required standard. To get this to a passing level you must analyse the mise en scene of your image. Analyse how the camera angle, costume, props and lighting represent the social group. Link EVERYTHING you have done to how YOUNG ALTS are supposed to look.
